Our Team: Supervisor Emeritus, Mo. Maggie L. Wright

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Mo. Maggie L. Wright

Supervisor Emeritus, Mo. Maggie L. Wright has a rich heritage in church work. Her parents were pioneers in the Church of God in Christ. As devout saints of God, they assisted in ministry by housing saints and feeding the poor.

From a family of 14, Supv. Wright moved to Portland in early 60’s, united with Zion Hill/McKinney Temple COGIC, under the auspices of the late Bishop W. L. McKinney.  

In 1976 Bishop Artice L. Wright and Supv Maggie Luter Wright were united in holy matrimony and had a blended family of eight productive, successful children.  Derrick, Darrell & Brian Foxworth; Arthur Lee, Artice Marie, Ronnie, Sr., Evelyn Wright Jackson and Patrick Wright.

Supv. Wright served for 39 years as Supervisor of Women, COGICU, Pacific NW Region, later reorganized as the Oregon Jurisdiction. She served 31 years with her late husband, Bishop A. L. Wright, Sr., and eight (8) years under the newly appointed Jurisdictional Bishop, Wm. M. Pollard.  

All appointments were made by the Presiding Prelate - Bishop James Feltus, Jr., founding Bishop, Church of God in Christ United, headquartered in New Orleans, LA and Supervisor Emeritus, Hazel Luter Feltus.

Professionally, Supv Wright was employed at Providence Medical Center for 40 years, advancing through the nursing ranks, retiring as an LPN in the Radiation Oncology Dept.  Her tenured expertise enabled her to serve and assist a myriad of doctors, departments, etc.  She was celebrated with honors upon her retirement. In 2017, she was recognized as ‘Employee of the Month’ of the entire hospital.

Supv. Wright has served in many capacities on the local, district, state, jurisdictional and international levels.  Her expertise, administrative and coordination skills coupled with her faithfulness, dedication and commitment – has helped build the Jurisdictional and International Women’s Dept to a sustained, thriving and relevant arm of the church’s ministry to date.  

She has a passion for souls, as she embraces the doctrines and principles of holiness.  Her standard for living is reflected in her daily walk with God as she asks for his will and seeks his way.  Her solace is found in Proverbs 3:5-6, which is her favorite scripture - “Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not to thy own understanding.  In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path”.