COGICU History
A history rich in faith and revelation.

COGICU History
The Church of God in Christ United was born out of a leadership crisis in the Church of God in Christ (Memphis, TN) in the 60’s. It is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ himself as the Chief Cornerstone. No man can rightly claim to be the founder of the Church of God in Christ. The Church of God in Christ is as old as the Bible both in name and doctrine. Reading from the Re-vised Standard Version of the Holy Bible we find these words: For you brethren became imitators of The Churches of God in Christ Jesus which are in Judaea.” Colossians 1:18, 19. We are also encouraged by St. Paul to “endeavor to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3.
The Early Pentecostal Movement
In 1897, Bishop Charles Harrison Ma-son established The Church of God in Christ, headquartered in Memphis, TN. It continues to be the Mother Church of the Black Pentecostal Movement.
Critical Years in the History of The Church of God in Christ, Inc. in Louisiana
At the death of Bishop Mason in 1961, a crisis regarding authority and leadership of the church arose. The Presiding Senior Bishop O. T. Jones appointed Bishop James Feltus, Jr. as Special Representative of the church in Louisiana East. As a result of the ongoing crisis, a group that claimed leader-ship authority embraced another leader. A determined Bishop James Feltus, Jr. continued to work. Fellowship Convocations were held annually from 1968-1972. The church state, Southeast Louisiana Jurisdiction II, progressed under the leadership of State Bishop James Feltus, Jr and State Supervisor Jonnie B. Melton, State Supervisor of the Department of Women. This fellowship attracted many whose lives and church stability was shaken by the ongoing international church crisis.
Organizing of The Church of God in Christ United
In 1972 Bishop James Feltus, Jr. began organizing a denomination, separate from the Mother Church, but one in doctrine. The Lord led him to write five (5) major principles upon which the Church of God in Christ United would be organized:
We will defend no doctrine but the doctrine of the Bible, and no church but the church that Christ died for.
The local church shall be the focal point of all church activities.
The church shall not assume the form of a political federation, but a Christian fellowship.
National assessments shall be re-placed by local commitment and pledges of financial contributions.
The Bible is the Magna Charta and constitution of the Church. Note: We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. We place special emphasis on sanctification, justification, regeneration, adoption and the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
On January 20, 1973, there was a meeting of Bishop James Feltus, Jr., Bishop R. A. Campbell, and Bishop Marshall Hebert at 2742 Prentiss Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana (the home of Bishop Feltus.) All three of these men were leaders in their own right. Bishop Feltus, Bishop Camp-bell, and Bishop Hebert agreed to unite under the name of The Church of God in Christ United. They accepted the five principles laid down by Bishop Feltus and promised to serve in the following offices:
BISHOP MARSHALL HEBERT, First Assistant to the Chief Bishop
BISHOP R. A. CAMPBELL, 2nd Assistant to the Chief Bishop
SUPERVISOR HAZEL L. FELTUS, International Supervisor of Women
At the death of Bishop Marshall Hebert in 2000, Bishop R. A. Campbell was appointed as the 1st Assistant and Bishop Artice Wright of Portland, Oregon was appointed 2nd Assistant. Bishop Wright was called from labor to rest in 2011.
Supervisor Hazel L. Feltus led the Department of Women gracefully for 35 years. She organized, following the pattern that she had helped to design for the COGIC. Mother Maggie Wright of Portland, Oregon and Mother Gloria Hebert of Morgan City, LA were appointed to serve as International Supervisors of the Department of Women. For her lifetime contributions to the COGI-CU, Supervisor Hazel Feltus was bestowed with the title of Supervisor Emeritus.
To date the peace, tranquility, stress, and oppression-free method of leadership and membership has attracted many to the Church of God in Christ United. The COGICU has Jurisdictions established throughout the United States, The Is-land of Jamaica, The United Kingdom, Nige-ria, Liberia, Pakistan and other foreign lands.
Legacy of Our Founder
On Wednesday, October 12, 2016, Bishop James Feltus, Jr. transitioned from life to reward. In August of 2016 he preached his last Official Message during the Holy Convocation. He subject was: “Ride On King Jesus, Ride On.” He left us with something to remember. Preaching from his wheelchair, he was electric, speaking in tongues, and rejoicing. He was 95 years old.
Following the death of Bishop James Feltus, Jr., Bishop Reese Alvin Campbell took over as International Presiding Prelate and Senior Bishop. Bishop Arnold Little I was appointed Assistant International Prelate and National Presiding Prelate of the United States of America. Supervisor Eunice Little was appointed National Supervisor of the Department of Women for the USA.
The spirit of Bishop Feltus will forever dwell with us. His strong and fair leadership helped to create the oppression free reputation of the COGICU. We declare the words that he spoke annually at Convocation: “This Great Church of God in Christ United is Marching On! ”

“Let’s get a quote from Mother Wright or Bishop Pollard or Dr. Jean or Bishop Arnold Little to put here”
— Somebody’s name